Motorcycle Elopement in the California Desert | Whitney + Zach

It took me about 3 seconds into meeting Whitney + Zachary to realize exactly how cool they were, both individually and as a couple. I knew that this elopement would be a fun adventure right off the bat.

Whitney + Zachary wanted to include one of their favorite activities to do together into their day: riding motorcycles. We had initially planned on a sunset ride through Joshua Tree National Park, but ended up switching the elopement riding location to the Palm Desert, around Palm Springs and nearby their Airbnb.

The April weather was perfect, a dry 80 °F without a cloud in the sky. Along the ride, we stopped for portraits at the iconic Palm Springs Windmills, and had it completely to ourselves for their weekday elopement. The sun was glowing as it set between the mountains, but ended up being caught in a windstorm through the valley!

That didn’t deter these two: they danced and kissed in the wind and celebrated until the sun went down. And then some more. Using just the headlights of the motorcycle and the radio speaker, they had their first dance under the stars to wrap up their badass desert elopement. Check out their elopement photos below.

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